When I’m out walking, I strut my stuff….

Hello, second week of November! The first week was pretty … ok, yeah, I’m going to go with epic. For me, anyway. Let me detail the ways.

Sunday was the really big day – after the con was over (and some lunch and walking unplanned shenanigans happened), Julie, Scott and I headed over to Beaverton for the Powell’s big SF author signing. There were about 26 authors there, all to sign books. It was my very first official author event! And it was great!

 1st signing There I am, poised to sign. Not long after that picture was taken, where I’d said “I need someone to take a picture for my mom – I promised her there would be pictures.” – my parents surprised me by showing up! I don’t have pictures from them on that yet, but their friends, the Dawsons, were there with cameras at the ready to capture my surprised face. Aww. Awesome family is awesome. I had no idea they were driving up from CA to come to the event. Apparently they scoped out the joint the night before, and cautioned all the employees not to let me know. Not hard for the employees, as they don’t know me at all. But now I am semi-famous at the Beaverton Powell’s as the writer whose parents showed up to surprise her at her first big signing. Awwww.

Then they and the Dawsons proceeded to buy multiple copies of the book. Mrs. Dawson apparently loves it and gushes about it to all and sundry. Yay! And even though Mom already bought and read hers, Dad wants his own copy. So I signed a bunch of books, which was pretty nerve-wracking. And then a couple of people I don’t even know bought the book, and others took my cards, so maybe they will try it out later. And and and … we sold all but one of my books! So that was pretty exciting.

Scott also sold almost all the stock of his book a the signing – yay! A good time was had by all. We talked to authors and readers and bought books and sold books. It was a good night. And if you haven’t, you should most definitely check out his book Homefront, by Scott James Magner – it’s a fantastic SF book, and his first reading for it is tonight! 11/12 at 7pm at the University bookstore. Buy his book – it’s gorgeous inside and out.


After the signing, my parents and the Dawsons took Scott, Julie and me out to dinner. From there we had to drive back to Seattle, but it was decent traffic, and only a little heavy rain at the end. All in all, a good day.

Orycon itself, over that weekend, was fun. I ended up not really participating in the con  very much, due to nerves and a need to be away from people from time to time. I went to a few parties, and talked with people in the bar, and I ate food with folks, but I felt kind of overwhelmed by things. On Saturday, I went across the street to the mall for an errand, and ended up staying to watch a movie – “Big Hero 6” – which was great. I highly recommend the flick. There were kids as small as 3 in the audience, but I think it’s more appropriate for slightly older kids – maybe 6 and up. Depends on your kid, though, and how scared and/or bored they get. But I absolutely loved it. A+, will def see it again.

I did go to the memorial for Jay Lake on Saturday night, which was put together by Ken and Jen Scholes, and others. It was very emotional, but not in a terrible way. We all cried, and missed Jay, and felt the support of community. It was good to do, for some kind of closure. But it was hard, too. I’m both relieved not to have to do that again, and desperately sad that we had to do it at all. Fuck cancer.

Now it’s the second week of November. Scott’s reading is tonight, other friends have readings on Friday and then next Monday. The 3rd week sees my book officially out (!) on the 18th. Hooray! Then you’ll be able to order the ebook from various sources, if ebooks are what you prefer. Scott has another signing and reading at Powell’s in Beaverton on Weds. And then … and THEN … on Friday it’s the big day! My reading at University Bookstore – 11/21 at 7pm, upstairs. If you know you’re going, it might behoove you to pre-order the book. I have no idea how many people are coming, now. As many as possible! But I’ve lost track of the numbers. Possibly because I have so many things to keep track of. Like reading in public. I have to practice reading some more. I have to order a cake. (There will be cake.) I have to … try not to panic.

No panicking allowed. Picnicking, now, that is totally allowed. I approve of picnicking. Bring me some brie. Come to my reading, if you can. I’ll have someone take pictures. I’ll have goodies of the picnickable variety. I’ll have a slight panic attack. No, wait. I Will Not. But I might need your bright smiles to gladden my heart. Looking forward to it!

Title is from Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes

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